Curtis Lovell and Tony Curtis Live

Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh in HoudiniWe must have seen the movie more than any other,  save The Wizard of Oz.

Tony Curtis’ portrayal of Harry Houdini in the classic 1953 story of the great magician’s life and death was more than inspiring — it was perspiring.

After seeing the film for the first time, we tried every escape an eight-year-old can create.  In any other household, cries of “C’mon, Mom.  Tie me up good this time!”” would likely bring an intervention or rescue.

It was a bit disheartening to learn Houdini did not die as portrayed in the film.  But that’s Hollywood.

We met Tony Curtis in Las Vegas a few years back.  He was still in great shape and looked ready to make another dozen films.  Let’s not kid ourselves, he was and remains one heck of a good-looking man.

Check out the live showing of Houdini at the Million Dollar Theater in Los Angeles on June 13th.  The film is part of the Jules Verne Adventures Festival.

Inside Magic Favorite Curtis Lovell III will be performing an incredible escape in celebration and in the spirit of Houdini.

You can learn more or get tickets by going to the Festival’s page here.

Be sure to visit Curtis’ incredible web site as well.  You can find him at:

You might also check out a pretty cool idea Curtis developed to market to the wedding market.  He offers his services as a magician to produce the bride at the reception.


We wish we thought of it.

Read about this special service he provides here.

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